he type of penis enlargement pills or medication you use will determine its effectiveness. While some of them have immediate effects, others need to be used for longer time. The former ones can be applied just before the act to provide a short-term effect that will last for a few hours. The ones designed for long-term usage than can range from a few weeks to some months. Using these medications will provide you with long-lasting results as well. Such pills increase not only blood flow but also the elasticity of the penis shaft.
The use of the best male enlargement pills Japan Tengsu has certain advantages:
Only the area of interest will be affected and the rest of your body will not (this is especially important if the internal organs are taken into consideration);
When it comes to effect, the change is almost instantaneously visible;
Ease of use is one of the best qualities about the Japan Tengsu pills;
The possibility of combining with other methods that enlarge the male organ – massage, exercises, special devices.